Super Premium Tiernahrung

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If jumping from the scratching post becomes difficult, the cat drinks excessively, is very hungry and gains or loses a lot of weight, the diagnosis of diabetes may be present. As with humans, it is then time for a diet that meets their needs: with Josera Help Weight & Diabetic the cat can maintain its ideal weight or, with moderate feeding, gently reduce it and get the diabetes under control.

The calorie- and sugar-reduced recipe is ideally suited for such a diet. Fibres support normal blood sugar levels and also contribute to satiety. The phytogenic complex contains ginger tuber, which has a digestive effect. – Ginger is a traditional ingredient for diabetes support.

Josera Help Weight & Diabetic can help your velvet paw to feel better by helping it to lose weight and maintain its ideal weight through reduced calorie intake. For cats suffering from diabetes, the recipe can also be supportive.

  • Suitable for a needs-based diet
  • Can support diabetes therapy thanks to reduced calorie and sugar content
  • Rich in fibre: Supports normal blood sugar levels and contributes to satiety despite reduced energy content
  • With the phytogen complex: the ingredients of the ginger tuber have a digestive effect
  • Stimulation of the metabolism through a high protein content
  • L-carnitine stimulates fat metabolism and supports muscle maintenance

Dietary feed with reduced energy content for adult cats to support diabetes mellitus

  • Verpackungsgröße:
  • 400g
  • 2kg
Dietary feed with reduced energy content for adult cats to support diabetes mellitus
getrocknetes Geflügelprotein; Mais; getrocknetes Griebenprotein; Reis; Cellulose; Rübentrockenschnitzel (natürliche Quelle von Ballaststoffen); Geflügelfett; hydrolysiertes tierisches Protein; Mineralstoffe; Geflügelleberhydrolysat; Flohsamenschalen (Psyllium); Oregano; Ingwer; Rosmarin; Brennnessel; Mariendistel; Cranberry;
Weight reduction
Weight maintenance
normally active
2-3 kg 25-35 g 35-55 g
3-4 kg 35-45 g 45-70 g
4-5 kg 45-50 g 60-80 g
5-7 kg 50-65 g 70-95 g
7-10 kg 65-80 g 85-125 g

Feeding recommendation per day.
For a gentle weight reduction, your pet should lose 1-2% body mass per week. This should be checked regularly and may need to be adjusted by slightly reducing or increasing the amount of feed. Reduce the weight only under the supervision of the veterinarian
Ensure that your pet always has access to fresh drinking water.
Analytical constituents
Protein 35.2 %
Fettgehalt 9.8 %
Rohfaser 5.7 %
Rohasche 6.7 %
Calcium 1.35 %
Phosphor 1.00 %
Magnesium 0,60 %




The valuable ingredients of the ginger tuber have a digestive and anti-inflammatory effect. Ginger can support normal metabolism and healthy weight loss. Traditionally, it is also used to support diabetes.
Gentle weight management

Gentle weight management

The low-fat recipe with few calories and sugar, but increased protein content, supports a gentle weight loss of the cat and still provides it with all vital nutrients. With constant weight control and, if necessary, slight adjustments to the amount of feed, a gentle weight reduction is achieved when the cat loses 1-2% body mass per week.
More fibre

More fibre

The high dietary fibre content can prevent begging and hunger between meals, as it provides an increased feeling of satiety. The fibre content can slow glucose uptake from the gut into the blood and help stabilise blood sugar.